5 Elements Clinic provides Spiritual healing for the body, mind and soul through the powerful medium of Mediation for the Mind, Disease Oriented Yoga for the body and Mantra Chikitsa for the Soul.

Mediation for Healthy Mind

Dr. Mrs. Sanskriti Mirashi enlightens that Meditation is a training of the mind to discipline the mind by which one attempts to get beyond the reflexive, "thinking" mind into a deeper state of relaxation or awareness. The Meditation techniques taught by Dr Sanskriti often involve turning attention to a single point of reference. This point could be anything in the universe. She educates that meditation is found in the midst of all religious thought. It is also practiced outside religious traditions as a secular form of Yoga without connection to any religious thought.

Different meditative disciplines cover a wide range of spiritual or psychophysical practices that may highlight different goals—from attainment of a higher state of consciousness, to superior focus, creativity or self-awareness, or simply a more relaxed and peaceful frame of mind.

According to Dr. Sanskriti the word meditation comes from the Indo-European root med-, meaning "to measure. It entered English as meditation through the Latinmeditatio, which originally indicated any type of physical or intellectual exercise, then later evolved into the more specific meaning " contemplation."

Disease Oriented Yoga for Healthy Body.

Yoga is a healing system involving a combination of breathing exercises, physical postures, flexibility styles that has been practiced for more than 5,000 years.

While yoga evolved as a spiritual practice in Hinduism, in the Western world, a part of yoga, known as Asana, (posture) has grown popular as a form of purely physical exercise. Some Western forms of Yoga have little or nothing to do with Hinduism or spirituality, but are simply a way of keeping fit and healthy.

Dr. Mrs. Sanskriti informs that popularization in the West of the medical aspect of Yoga is largely attributed to Dr.Swami Sivananda Saraswati's Bihar School of Yoga. The yoga classes conducted by Dr. Sanskriti under the guidance of a Yog Guru are a combination of physical exercises, breathing exercises, and meditation. The yoga preached, practiced and promoted by Sevashram is Disease Oriented Yoga beneficial for people with certain health conditions, including heart disease/ hypertension, asthma, and back problems.

For people with heart problems, studies have shown that disease oriented yoga helps people young and old. Dr. Mirashi insists that specifically, yoga seems to promote heart health in several ways, including regulating high blood pressure and improving resistance to psychological stress. Yoga also has the prospective to buffer against the harmful effects of bodily self-objectification as well as to promote embodiment and well-being.


Mantra Chikitsa

Dr. Sanskriti Mirashi explains that the word, "Man-Tra" translates as "Mind Tool" and the mind masters the body! She further explains that the Vowels are energy packets turning your skeletal system into a living tuning fork.

To further illustrate how Mantra Chikitsa(healing) helps, Dr. Mirashi further adds that just as Infrasound may be used to pulverize Kidney stones and Ultrasound may be utilized to increase circulation, so each vowel of sacred scripture has a specific area of the skeletal system which bounces back rather like Sonar mapping an ocean floor.

According to Dr. Sanskriti Mantra Chikitsa (healing) is the hidden door to becoming sound as a bell and making sound decisions in every part of your life.


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